Monday, March 5, 2012

Meaty Pasta

This meaty past is super-easy to make and just as easy on the wallet - many of the ingredients typical (at least for me) to have around the kitchen.  I always cook with the intention of having leftovers, and this recipe was more than enough for 4 people.  Serve with a simple tossed salad to balance out the carbs a bit!  I used cellentali pasta, but will probably use something else next time.  A linguini or macaroni would be easier to get all the great flavors in one bite.  Angel hair is my absolute favorite with a hearty sauce, but I don't get away with it too often.

serves at least 4, 30 min cooking time
1 lb ground pork/sausage - I like Italian
1 sweet onion, chopped
1 cup sliced mushrooms
2 med-large cloves of garlic, smashed and minced
1 box pasta
1 jar Ragu pasta sauce
upto 1 c heavy whipping cream
1 tsp oregano
1 tbsp butter
1-2 tbsp EVOO
Shredded parmesan for topping (optional)

1. Put your butter and EVOO in a large sauce pan on medium heat.  You want the bottom of the pan to be covered once the butter melts.  Once melted into the EVOO, add your onions and garlic.  While they are simmering, get your sausage ready to go.  After about 2 minutes, add your sausage to the pan and brown, breaking up into little bits as you cook.  I usually turn my burner up a smidge for this part towards Med-High.

2. Put on a pot of water large enough for the pasta, add salt to the water and put over high heat to get it boiling while you're finishing up the sauce.
3.  Once the sausage is thoroughly browned, add your jar of Ragu and 1/2 c heavy cream and stir.  You can add more cream little by little until you reach your desired consistency, but I wouldn't start off too heavy.  Bring to a boil (this shouldn't take long), then turn off heat, but leave on the warm burner. Cover, and allow to simmer while you finish off everything else.  If you haven't gotten the pasta into the boiling water yet, do that now. *Tip: add a tbsp of EVOO to the water to help the pasta keep from sticking together

4.  Once pasta is ready, drain it, and give the sauce a good stir. Season with oregano, salt and pepper to taste. Up to you whether you combine and serve or let guests decide their own pasta to sauce ratio!

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