Wednesday, March 7, 2012

February showers bring.... March Flowers??

A Flowery Sunrise
This breakfast is a quick way to use up that bell pepper, half-package of bacon, one or two random eggs, and citrus from your fruit basket that's begging to be utilized.  I saw a similar picture on pinterest of an egg fried in a bell pepper ring to replicate a "flower" and  be kid-friendly.  I wish I could give credit to the source, but I didn't click through since the recipe seemed pretty self-explanatory.  Anyway - thank you, whoever "you" are!  Kids or no kids, that's a brilliant way to keep my eggs separate in the pan and appear creative!  I also had to add cheese and scallions - it's a hard bargain for me to enjoy eating just plain egg.  This was the perfect quick and rather healthy breakfast for a Saturday morning.  Certainly, you could healthify it a little more by nixing the cheese, substituting turkey bacon, and using egg whites only.

for 6 servings, as pictured above
1 bell pepper (will make about 6 rings per pepper - maybe more - need 1 ring per egg)
1/2 package of bacon
2 oranges fruit
6 eggs
1/2 c cheddar cheese
handful of chopped scallions
1 pat butter

1. Heat a skillet on medium heat.  I like to cut my bacon in half length-wise for easier pieces to manage.  Place strips in the heated pan and continue to turn each time the bacon bubbles until reaching desired done-ness.
2.  While my bacon is cooking, I slice the pepper rings, fruit, and scallions.  To slice the pepper rings, slice off the top part where the stem is.  Reach in and pull out the white parts and any remaining seeds.  Slice parallel to original cut, about 1/2-1cm in thickness.  Other slicing self-explanatory:)
3.  As bacon finishes, place strips on a plate lined with paper towels to drain the grease.  Because the eggs don't take very long, and unattended bacon is never good, I like to get it out of the way before focusing on my eggs. 
4.  Melt butter in a separate skillet.  Place pepper rings in pan (don't overcrowd, or flipping wiill be tough!).  Crack an egg into each ring.  Sprinkle each with salt and pepper.  Once you see the white hardening around the yolk about 2-3 minutes, carefully flip!
5. Top each with a bit of shredded cheese, and cover for about 30 seconds to melt cheese nicely.
6.  Transfer to a plate and top with chopped scallions and a litle S&P. Serve with a couple of pieces of bacon and sliced fruit! 

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