Monday, March 26, 2012

Grilled Asparagus

This is a super-easy and healthy side dish when you're grilling out.  Subsitute grilled asparagus for potato chips at your typcial BBQ - you still get the crunchiness and the saltiness, but on a healthier vehicle.  YUM!

serves 2-3
1 bunch aspargus per
1-2 tbsp EVOO
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
Sea salt & Pepper
Juice of 1 lemon


Combine all ingredients in a covered baking dish or large ziploc bag.  Shake to coat.

After the grill has heated up, place asparagus spears perpindicular to the grill grates so they don't get stuck in between.  Flip after about 7 minutes.  Let grill for another 7 minutes and serve hot.  You can grate some lemon zest or parmesan on top if you want to be fancy!

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