Sunday, February 19, 2012

'Rita on 'Roids

This powerful, not-your-everyday-margarita was inspired by a great friend of mine's mother.  While visiting the Mills' condo in St. Pete, FL, I was the only girl on spring break with 5 of my closest guy-friends.  When Joe's parents came to join us, needless to say, Joe's mom (Kay) and I were quickly ready for some girl time.  Little did I know, I would soon be introduced to the most deceivingly delicious margaritas that I had ever tasted - I did not anticipate the spill-all-your-secrets-knock-you-on-your-ass effect they had on me!  All it takes is some good quality tequila, some elbow grease, and the wise words of Kay Mills to make the appropriately dubbed "Millsarita."  Here's my twist on the Millsarita:

(makes a pitcher - approx. 6 margaritas)

6 limes
6 lemons
3 oranges
1 grapefruit (optional)
6 oz simple syrup*
9 shots of amazing tequila (I use Herradura - Mama Mills uses Don Julio)
3 shots triple sec (or Grand Marnier for a Mama Mills version)
3 shots club soda

Juice the fruit for some fresh-squeezed citrus and strain to remove any chunks or seeds. Combine freshly-squeezed juice with the other ingredients and pour between two pitchers to blend well.

Blend with or serve over ice in your favorite margartia glasses! Garnish with any extra fruit if desired.

*To make simple syrup, bring 1 cup water to a boil.  Add 1 cup sugar, remove from heat, and stir until sugar is disolved.

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