Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Quick and Creamy Noodle Side Dish

I use this as a my super-quick side when I'm trying to eat healthy but serving others who can't get past not having a starch or carb on their plate.  It takes literally 10 minutes, and is easy to squeeze in during baking or grilling time.  Not to mention, the ingredients are all things I typically have some variation of on hand.  You could substitute milk for cream, and other types of cheeses for parmesan for this quick whip-up.  If you wanted a super-quick (albeit unhealthy...) as a main dish, double the servings and add your favorite meats and veggies!

Ingredients:  - makes 2 sides, 262.5 cals each

    1.5 c egg noodles
    1 tbsp butter
    2 tsp shredded parmesan
    less than 1/4 c cream
    S & P

1. Boil the egg noodles and drain.

2. Return pot to burner with the heat off and place butter in. Top with noodles, cheese, and add cream a little at a time while stirring until reaching desired consistency.

Season with salt and pepper.

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